How to love chores:)


At first, I thought I would focus on writing in my journal as the chore, but over the passing decades, this chore has become more pleasant as I receive the reward of an EVOLving higher love of self-awareness… to be able to love myself, more truly, then others.

But now I find myself more interested to write about today’s chore of riding my scooter to the repair man, despite the prediction of rain. Just over two weeks ago I was thrown off my scooter like a beached whale into the middle of Clinton Street in downtown Ithaca, NY.  When a car in front of me stopped quickly, I had to follow suit, and skidded, now recovering from a severely sprained ankle and several black and blues, mercifully greatfull no bones were broken and without ambulance bills! These are marvelous gifts when you’re turning 78 in a couple weeks and living on limited retirement funds!

I arrive without raindrops falling, and while I wait for Anthony ‘s easy attachment of a new mirror and left brake handle, a hummingbird flies into my face within 5 inches of my nose and eyes – as if I am a flower. I’m excited with joy while realizing I cultivate flower gardens and this close encounter has never happened before…a face-to-face close encounter with a bird. Magical!

And yesterday, as I was driving home from a printer-repair chore I see a man on the side of the road, picking up 3 bags he’d set down temporarily and then walking with his thumb out soliciting a ride. I stop, with the slightest thought of fear, to pick up a man, but do not hesitate. It’s broad daylight – I’m in my hometown – I trust my ‘gut’ – really my heart and soul. A tall strong man pushes 2 large grocery bags and a stuffed backpack into the back seat as I ask where he’s going. At first, I say I can drive you to Burns Road where I turn to home, then learn he is a homesteader, off the grid, where a home burned down, has a partner with two daughters and has just been volunteering at the Salvation Army although he is on disability. It is not a chore to take him and his positive energy a couple extra miles to his ‘lowly’ abode. Bombarded by his gratitude.


While reading in bed the next morning, I find myself googling: garrulous, solipsism, enervated, supermimetic, venality, within the span of 15 minutes. Turning my love of reading into a chore. Consternation! This is my peroration.